Online event
Art, Innovation, Lectures & Conferences, Social Good, Virtual & Streaming
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Join Now + There on Friday, May 15 at 12:30 pm for "N+T Asks," a weekly online conversation series created for artists, cultural sector workers, community leaders, and the public to come together and address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our work. This week Executive Director Kate Gilbert asks you and two special guests, "When will we stop being afraid?" Together we’ll look head-on at the fears we have faced in the first two months of this pandemic and then look ahead with strength to ask how we might begin to move forward. We’ll discuss what a return to public life might look like, how our habits will change, what we’ve learned so far, and how art can help us work through lingering fear to the next stage of life in the COVID-19 era. "N+T Asks" features a 30-minute conversation with a pair of special guests from the arts and culture field followed by a 30-minute open discussion. Joining the conversation is free and open to all. Learn more and register at https://bit.ly/NTnofear.