Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Walker Memorial, Morss Hall (50-140)
142 Memorial Dr
Cambridge, MA 02142
< 21, Alcohol, Art, Festivals & Fairs, Innovation, Tech, University
Event website:
Come join the MIT Water Club for its annual Water Night, a family-friendly event to celebrate water on the evening of Feburary 26 with research posters, art exhibits, interactive demos, and more. Researchers at MIT, local universities and industries will present their water-related work. In addition to a research showcase, we will feature artistic and experimental displays, as well as company and NGO tables! Don't miss this amazing opportunity to interact with the local water community!
Call for Presenters: Are you working on a great water-related topic? Do you have an experiment that you'd like to show the world? Do you have cool artistic items - pictures, paintings, displays, etc - related to water? Are you a company or organization working in the water space? Then hesitate no more and come present at the MIT Water Night by filling out the form on our website! Over $1000 in prizes available to the top presenters.
Free admission, but please RSVP via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mit-water-night-2019-tickets-53958742050
Got something to share? Tell us more: https://goo.gl/forms/1UJwybANPiFqmEQI2