Thursday, May 18, 2017 5:00p -

MIT Media Lab, 6th floor lecture hall (E14-633)
75 Amherst St
Cambridge, MA 02139

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The ONLINE HUMOR CONVERSATION SERIES AT MIT brings online comedians in conversation with academics and researchers to discuss humor's influence on online culture and society. Presented by @jonnysun.



The comedians behind the Tax March: Maura Quint (New Yorker, McSweeney's) and Frank Lesser (writer, The Colbert Report), in conversation with Jonny Sun.

On the relationship between humor, social media, and protest.

Thursday, May 18. 5-6:30pm. Media Lab. E14-633.
Free and open to the public.

5:00pm-6:30pm. MIT Media Lab, E14 Lecture Hall (E14-633) on the sixth floor. 75 Amherst St, Cambridge.

Seating is on a first-come-first-served basis.

This event will be live-streamed through Periscope at @MITHumorSeries.

This talk generously funded by the MIT De Florez Fund for Humor and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, in association with the MIT Media Lab's MIT Center for Civic Media, and co-sponsored by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.



WEDNESDAY, MAY 10. Heben Nigatu (BuzzFeed’s Another Round podcast) in conversation with Meryl Alper and Kishonna Gray. Moderated by Jonny Sun. This event is also sponsored by the DUSP Student of Color Committee. 5-6:30pm. MIT Media Lab. E14-633.

THURSDAY, MAY 11. Dylan Marron (of Welcome to Night Vale, Seriously.tv) in conversation with Jonny Sun and Ethan Zuckerman. Humor in media-activism for underrepresented and marginalized communities. This event is also sponsored by the DUSP Student Council. 5-6:30pm. MIT Media Lab. E14-633.

MONDAY, MAY 15. Nathan Zed (@nathanzed), in conversation with Kishonna Gray and Jonny Sun. On black cultural production online. This event is also sponsored by the DUSP Student of Color Committee. 5-6:30pm. MIT Media Lab. E14-633.

THURSDAY, MAY 18. The comedians behind the Tax March: Maura Quint (New Yorker, McSweeney's, Rolling Stone) and Frank Lesser (writer, The Colbert Report) in conversation with Jonny Sun. On the relationship between humor and protest. This event is also sponsored by DUSP. 5-6:30pm. MIT Media Lab. E14-633.

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05/18/2017 17:00:00 05/18/2017 18:30:00 America/New_York MIT Humor Series: The comedians behind the Tax March: Maura Quint (New Yorker, McSweeney's) and Frank Lesser (writer, The Colbert Report), in conversation with Jonny Sun. On the relationship between humor, social media, and protest. The ONLINE HUMOR CONVERSATION SERIES AT MIT brings online comedians in conversation with academics and researchers to discuss humor's influence on online culture and society. Presented by @jonnysun...

MIT Media Lab, 6th floor lecture hall (E14-633), Cambridge, MA 02139 false MM/DD/YYYY

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