Chestnut Hill Reservoir
400 Chestnut Hill Ave
Boston, MA 02467
Sports & Active Life
Event website:
Save the Rain and Miles for Maji is inviting Boston athletes to participate in the first annual Miles for Maji 5k race and 1 mile walk event for clean water. Our Boston event will be held on April 22, 2017 at 8am at the Chestnut Hill Reservoir. Please join the Miles for Maji team, Boston Road Runners and Save the Rain in helping to provide clean drinking water for children in need!
Details and registration are available here: https://www.classy.org/events/detail?eid=124884
Miles for Maji is a high school student created event! In the summer of 2016 a group of 13 students traveled to Tanzania on a service trip. They experienced first-hand the impact of lack of clean water when they had to walk for miles to collect maji (the Swahili word for water). They learned that globally, 1/3 of all schools lack access to water and sanitation. In many Tanzanian villages children have to leave class each day and walk for hours to collect water … and the water is not even clean! Cate Brown, a junior at Newton Country Day School and her friends decided to do something to make a difference and Miles for Maji was born! The Miles for Maji event is taking place country wide with 5k events in Boston, West Palm Beach, and San Diego, as well as many people participating remotely to raise funds for Save the Rain in their own communities. Please join us by registering for our 5k – thanks to the corporate sponsorship of Unified Caring Association, 100% of registration fees and donations will be used to provide clean drinking water to the village of Makiba, Tanzania. For just $15, Save the Rain provides clean water to a child for the rest of their life! Please, join us in making a difference in lives of children in need!
To learn more about the non-profit Save the Rain and their many successful projects, please visit: http://www.savetherain.org/