Friday, Jan 11, 2019 12:15p -
Repeats weekly

Trinity Church Boston
206 Clarendon Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116

EventScheduled OfflineEventAttendanceMode

$10 suggested donation

Music, Performing Arts, Social Good

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Need a midday break? Come hear the sonic splendor of the Trinity Organs. Organists from the US and abroad present weekly innovative programs. With nearly 7000 pipes, the two organs at Trinity Church can speak in hushed whispers or thunder and shake the room. Not only will you be enveloped in sound, but you will also be surrounded by the beauty of the richly colored interior designed by John La Farge. Join us for a sensory experience that will delight both the ear and eye. For a list of dates and artists, visit www.trinitychurchconcerts.org/fat.

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01/11/2019 12:15:00 01/11/2019 13:00:00 America/New_York Midday Oasis: Fridays at Trinity Need a midday break? Come hear the sonic splendor of the Trinity Organs. Organists from the US and abroad present weekly innovative programs. With nearly 7000 pipes, the two organs at Trinity Chu...

Trinity Church Boston, Boston, Massachusetts 02116 false MM/DD/YYYY

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