Thursday, Apr 15, 2021 12:00p -

Online event
145 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148

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Art, Classes, Film, Meetup, Performing Arts, Social Good, Virtual & Streaming

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The team at Urban Media Arts is excited to present a radically inclusive Membership Model to kick off the first year of our transition from MATV to UMA!

Anyone can become a member of the UMA HUB, UMA’s interactive online community, free!

Whether you are looking to connect with your community, learn a new skill, or even produce your own show, Urban Media is the place to be!

Member Drop-in are for new, aspiring, or existing members, we invite you to bring your lunch and join us for an informal gathering to chat about your ideas and membership. You can bring an idea for a production, get to know our team, learn more about membership, and/or get a brief tutorial in using the online UMA Hub if you wish.

Free virtual event over Zoom. Register here for the drop-in- https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvdu-qqz8sHtPzGYCCM75jGgawfEdJ7jls

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04/15/2021 12:00:00 04/15/2021 13:00:00 America/New_York Member Brown Bag Drop-In (On ZOOM!) The team at Urban Media Arts is excited to present a radically inclusive Membership Model to kick off the first year of our transition from MATV to UMA! Anyone can become a member of the UMA HUB...

UMA- Urban Media Arts (formerly Malden Access Television) , Malden, MA 02148 false MM/DD/YYYY

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