Cambridge Health Associates
335 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
Art, Performing Arts, Social Good
Event website:
Please join us for the opening reception of "Meditations from the Quarantine Studio" with Cambridge artist Dr. Mara Wagner.
Tapestries: There are ten hand-stitched tapestries representing floral, figure, and landscape, elegantly hung on fair trade Indonesian hanging rods. They were made during Covid Times from fabric Mara's family has worn and neighbors and friends have donated.
Fundraising: Mara will also present works on paper and baby quilts whose proceeds will go to support the Community Care Network, an alliance of Project Place, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, A Way Forward Now, and East Boston Mental Health Center, serving people experiencing homelessness and women coming out of incarceration.
About the Artist
Beginning as an accidental artist, Mara Wagner’s most inspired work comes from periods of wandering and play, improvisations from earlier work, or rearrangement toward a new coherent whole.
Building on psychoanalytic and spiritual practices, Mara has formed a decades-long relationship with these mindful traditions. What can be realized when we access our most open state of mind? How does the dynamic between creativity and resistance reflect the ways we are inhabiting the world at this moment? With each stitch, juxtaposition, and improvisation, these expressions carry Mara on their own steam, to be studied later with a more purposeful eye.
Statement of Work
Each of the works includes fabric that came from clothing my family has worn, e.g. my brother’s Hawaiian shirts that his daughter will not let him wear in public, dresses my epidemiologist daughter wore in India while studying water purification or in Kenya helping prevent HIV transmission in women and children, or snippets my artist daughter donated from leftovers in her curated collections of amazing upcycled things. My fiancé donated shirts and I received many gifts of cloth from neighbors and friends when they heard of my new practice. I even bought some fabric, especially for the backings. The hanging rods were made in Indonesia and sold by a fair trade company here in the US.
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