Friday, Jan 11, 2019 12:00p -
Repeats weekly

The KITCHEN at Boston Public Market
100 Hanover St
Boston, MA 02108

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Date Idea, Food

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Market Test KITCHEN is designed to allow our community to sample new products and ideas from Boston Public Market vendors, local chefs, and Boston food businesses. Vendors, chefs and other hosts will present new products, recipes, seasonally-available produce that they'd like to test and receive feedback from the public.

Take a break from your day and join us to taste something new! Each demo comes with a small sample of food. Market Test KITCHEN is from 12:00-1:00 pm on various Fridays (see drop down box for full list). Make sure to check here often to see the updated schedule and topics.

Upcoming Demos:
- January 4: Chestnut Farm will demo recipes featuring their pasture-raised meats.
- January 18: Obesity Physician and healthy home cook, Dr. Gail O'Brien, MD., will demo a winter recipe featuring Chestnut Farms pork and fresh veggies from Stillman's Farm.
- February 8: Greenovate Boston will demo how to limit food waste at home using veggie scraps for making stocks, and transforming fruit into quick desserts and jams. Join us to taste their creations!

Please RSVP so we can provide enough samples for everyone!

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01/11/2019 12:00:00 01/11/2019 13:00:00 America/New_York Market Test KITCHEN: Demo + Tasting Market Test KITCHEN is designed to allow our community to sample new products and ideas from Boston Public Market vendors, local chefs, and Boston food businesses. Vendors, chefs and other hosts wi...

The KITCHEN at Boston Public Market, Boston, MA 02108 false MM/DD/YYYY

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