Old Town Hall in Salem
32 Derby Sq
Salem, MA
Social Good
Event website:
This protest is focused on the Salem City Council, to push them to DEFUND THE SALEM POLICE and meet our demands, allocating those funds to programs that would strengthen our community. Providing more equal funding to schools in Salem, affordable housing, resources for the homeless, and more. Specific demands are being formulated as I type. As was the case for the last march, the route will be provided day of. The start point is Old Town Hall and the march will end at the Willows.
We are inviting anyone to speak and encourage those who plan to speak to contact us via email, or direct messaging on Instagram and Facebook, so we can establish a possible lineup of speakers and work out any kinks in the speeches. That being said, there will still be opportunities for anyone to speak who would like to day of.
We are learning from our successes and failures. We have no plans on slowing down and are only getting better at what we do. We hope to build a community of resistance through our protests that show through unity and solidarity WE WILL BE HEARD.
Feel free to contact us with any questions through email: [email protected], instagram: @solidaritynorthshore, or direct messaging on facebook.
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)