Monday, Apr 14, 2025 6:00p -
Repeats weekly

MIT Museum
314 Main Street, Gambrill Center, Building E-28
Cambridge, MA 02142

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Hosted by:
mitmuseum MIT Museum

Art, Date Idea, Good for Groups

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What if we could grow materials? In this experimental two-part workshop, you'll use tessellations and digital fabrication to create a self-woven tile made from grass roots.

Learn about tessellations and digital design techniques to create a 3D-printed tiling pattern. Then, assemble your tile and plant your grass seeds above it. Watch the roots grow to follow your pattern over time!

Participants must be available for both sessions. No prior experience necessary.

This is an 18+ workshop series.


Workshop Dates:

April 7

April 14

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04/14/2025 18:00:00 04/14/2025 19:30:00 America/New_York Making Studio: Root Patterning <p>What if we could grow materials? In this experimental two-part workshop, you'll use tessellations and digital fabrication to create a self-woven tile made from grass roots.</p><p><br></p><p>Lear...

MIT Museum, Cambridge, MA 02142 false MM/DD/YYYY

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