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This week, we asked members of our Boston Racing Team to share their favorite workouts for some extra training inspiration that can suit any runner–from a miler to a marathoner.
Rav Neville shared a long run tempo combo workout with us for you to try on your own:
Warm up 4 miles easy
6 miles at marathon-pace
1 mile at easy recovery-pace
1 mile HARD
Cool down 4 miles easy
A note from Rav:
"This workout helps you practice that rhythm running on your own but mentally, it's much easier to do a broken tempo to add some variety into your routine. You're still getting practice at your marathon goal pace and then breaking up the monotony with a spicy test. Spoiler alert: the harder mile will help those marathon pace miles feel even easier! Before you know it, you'll have a long run in for the day and the miles absolutely flew by.
You can try this workout more than once during your marathon cycle. As you get farther into a segment, you can increase the marathon pace portion. The next time, try 8 or 10 miles at goal marathon pace. For advanced runners, try up to 12 miles at marathon pace."