Franklin Park Zoo
1 Franklin Park Rd
Boston, MA 02121
Kid Friendly
Event website:
Lion brothers Dinari and Kamaia turn nine in March, and guests are invited to celebrate the occasion!
This roaring good time will include:
-Special birthday enrichment treats for the lions
-Lion Zookeeper Chat: 11:30 a.m.
-Lion-themed arts and crafts
-Education station
-Sign a giant birthday card for the lions
-Birthday cake from Montilio’s Baking Company (available for the first 200 people).
Meet Tina Ramme, wildlife biologist and CEO of Lion Conservation Fund, who will speak about her work to help restore lion populations and habitat in Kenya.
-10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Meet Ramme at the "Ask a Lion Scientist" activity table, Tropical Forest near sloth exhibit
-10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.: Presentation, Hippo Theatre
Please note: The lions will go on exhibit at 10:15 a.m. This event is included with general Zoo admission.
Committed to Conservation:
Cheetah, jaguar, leopard, lion, puma, snow leopard, tiger: these majestic big cats are all under threat. Their populations are steadily declining due to poaching, habitat loss, and the illegal trade. Tiger populations have decreased by 95% over the past 100 years and African lion populations dropped by 40% in just 20 years. It's up to us to make the changes - raising awareness, living more sustainably, supporting conservation efforts - that can help reverse these alarming population trends.
Zoo New England participates in the African lion, tiger, puma and snow leopard Species Survival Plans. By sharing research and knowledge, participating institutions work together to establish guidelines that best ensure the health of captive populations, and with success, the survival of otherwise extinct species.
Saturday, Mar 08, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm