Thursday, Oct 12, 2017 12:00p -

Pound Hall 100, Harvard Law School
1563 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138

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Art, Business, Innovation, Lectures & Conferences, Music, Performing Arts, Tech

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This year, Chance the Rapper became the first artist to win a Grammy based primarily on streaming services like Apple Music. He also notoriously has remained unsigned to any label, and drops his songs online for free regularly. Chance’s manager, Pat Corcoran, has been with Chance from the beginning. He’s known for once saying “I’m going to work for Chance until we’re headlining festivals and winning Grammys -- or until I get fired.” Join the Recording Artists Project in learning from the muscle behind Chance’s rise to the top of the music industry about his strategies, his day-to-day, and what its like leading a movement away from reliance on the major labels.

Open to the public! A non-pizza lunch will be served!

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10/12/2017 12:00:00 10/12/2017 13:00:00 America/New_York Lessons from Chance the Rapper's manager, Pat Corcoran This year, Chance the Rapper became the first artist to win a Grammy based primarily on streaming services like Apple Music. He also notoriously has remained unsigned to any label, and drops his so...

Pound Hall 100, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA 02138 false MM/DD/YYYY

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