Scandinavian Cultural Center
206 Waltham Street
West Newton, MA 02465
Lectures & Conferences
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In 1915 three women drove across the country in an Overland Six automobile, from San Francisco to DC. They carried with them 500,000 signatures on a petition to Congress and President Wilson, demanding an amendment to the US Constitution enfranchising women. In the group were two Swedes from Rhode Island, Despite their considerable contributions to making the trip happen at all, and with success, because they were immigrants. As a result, they are often left out of descriptions of this trip.
In 2015 Maine author Anne Gas was so inspired by the story she retraced this famous trip. Join us in the Nordic Hall as Anne retells the story of her great-grandmother and the other important women that took part in the suffrage movement.
Saturday, March 24th | 1pm | $5 suggested donation; free for SCC members
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
Night Shift Brewing (Everett Taproom)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
The Great American Beer Hall
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm