Wednesday, Apr 18, 2018 6:30p -

Worcester Technical High School
1 Skyline Drive
Worcester, MA 01609

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Lectures & Conferences

Event website:

Empowering Our Veterans

Event Date & Time:
Apr, 18 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Location:
Worcester Technical High School, 1 Skyline Dr., Worcester, MA 01609, Worcester, MA. 01609

Karen Vaughn is the mother of fallen US Navy SEAL, Aaron Carson Vaughn (SEAL Team VI). Aaron was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2011 when a chopper carrying 30 Americans was shot from the sky while rushing into battle. Losing Aaron changed everything and put Karen on a new path.

Over the past six years, Karen has emerged on the national scene as a powerful spokeswoman not only for our defenders still fighting on foreign soil and securing peace across the globe, but also as an advocate for a better, stronger, more resilient America.


The program will begin at 6:30 pm.


MA Representative Donnie Berthiaume (United States Navy)
MA Representative Joseph McKenna
Lori Joubert, MA Legislative Aid (United State Marines Corp)
Bill Moore, President – Project New Hope (Disabled Air Force Veteran)
John Manzi – United States Air National Guard
Francis Sena – United States Coast Guard Disabled Veteran
Officer Santos “Joe” Perez, Jr. – United States Air Force

Boot Campaign

Project New Hope

Directions to the The George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Auditorium:

Enter through the main entrance directly across from the visitor parking. When you enter the building, turn right and go by the main offices (glass windows), you will see a sign saying “Main Street” hanging from the ceiling. Take a left at the sign. Immediately after the Bank is the Conference Room that will be hosting light appetizers. Across from the bank is the The George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Auditorium.

Karen Vaughn’s books will be available for purchase and signing. Cash and checks only.

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04/18/2018 18:30:00 04/18/2018 20:00:00 America/New_York Karen Vaughn "Empowering our Veterans" Empowering Our Veterans Event Date & Time: Apr, 18 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Event Location: Worcester Technical High School, 1 Skyline Dr., Worcester, MA 01609, Worcester, MA. 01609 Karen Vaugh...

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