13 Logan St
13 Logan St
New Bedford, MA
Social Good
Event website:
If you’re not #DRIVINGTOJUSTICE on Friday, June 19th 2020 - then you’re rolling backwards.
The Arc of Justice, SEIU/32BJ, Until Freedom, The Gathering For Justice, The Indigenous People’s Movement, Yandy Smith, Kristen Scott, La Soul Renaissance, and many many others join public officials, activists, and communities around the nation to commemorate Juneteenth with a National Day of Action. If you or your organization would like to co-collaborate on this national actions please message us.
We will lift up the names, legacies and families of #StolenLives from across the nation including local #StolenLIVES #LesterLima, #MorrisPina, #ErikAguilar #JosephRamos, #MalcolmGracia, #LarryRuizBarreto and any others we may not be aware of.
Juneteenth is a significant moment in African American history and is also known as Freedom Day. It is the day that Union Army General Gordon Granger entered the city of Galveston, Texas and informed the last slave holding state that indeed all of the enslaved peoples were freed.
On Friday, June 19th at 12 noon est, cities and on reservations all across America people will be getting in their cars and driving to Justice - motorcading around their cities
demanding an end to police murder and killings of Black and Indigenous men and women and rallying at the end of the day, using social distancing, to give the people their call to action.
Civic engagement and political empowerment will commence as we join together in our motor vehicles from New Bedford to LA and throughout the nation.
#JuneteenthDriveToJusticeNB will launch from 13 Logan Street New Bedford MA and travel along the caravan route to landmarks #StolenLives from our community, and local landmarks providing specific and significant information regarding our local community.
National movement is galvanized around 5 key demands:
1. Independent and through Investigations and Prosecutions of Killer Cops and their complete personnel records released to the public.
2. Demilitarization and defunding of Police Departments.
3. Census Completion and Voter Registration & Mobilization for local, state and federal elections.
4. Federal, State and Local legislation creating standards of eligibility, screenings, training, transparency and accountability.
5. Economic sanctions against government and/or corporations that support white supremacy.
Make sure to wear your mask, gloves, create a sign, practice social distancing, and use your voice throughout
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)