Online event
Art, Virtual & Streaming
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Printmaker Emily Mogavero will not only share some of her work, but will also give us a print making demo. In addition to making, Emily is a painter, educator, curator, and museum professional. Emily’s art addresses memory and history through abstraction and chance, forming an extended self-portrait through both a Jewish and secular lens. A founder of Moishe House Brookline, Emily integrates the arts into young adult programming and aims to create opportunities for Jewish artists in the Boston area.
Jlive is the Jewish Arts Collaborative's live, streaming series of arts and culture events. Enjoy 20 minute bite-sized segments of visual art on Mondays, music on Tuesdays and food on Fridays. Meet some of the best Boston area talent, telling their Jewish story through art. Even though COVID-19 is keeping us apart, arts and culture will always bring us together.
All events are free via Zoom, but registration is required.