Venture Café Cambridge
1 Broadway
Cambridge, MA
Lectures & Conferences
Event website:
Venture Cafe will host an evening of talks on the expanding needs of professional women in Japan. Faced with the most rapidly aging population in the world, Japan’s workforce needs more women to meet future demand. However, 40% of Japanese women cut their careers short after childbirth and the work culture has lead to an increase in mental health issues. The solution lies in offering women more affordable, easy-to-access services designed to ensure their safety, health, and wellbeing throughout their careers. SOMPO Digital Lab, the innovation group of Tokyo-based insurance and health conglomerate Sompo Holdings, is looking to partner with digital health startups focused on women’s health.
This event will offer innovators a glimpse into the challenges faced by working women in Japan as well as the opportunity to propose solutions at a follow-up event later this year. The evening will also feature a panel of SOMPO’s current digital health partners as well as Japan experts who will offer valuable insights on entering the Japanese market.
For complete details, please visit www.vencaf.org/femtechjapan
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm