Waban Library Center
1608 Beacon St
Newton, MA 02468
Lectures & Conferences
Event website:
Christina Hardway will be offering an Introduction to Mindfulness workshop at the Waban Library Center in January, 2018. We will practice a variety of meditation techniques and learn ways to incorporate mindfulness in daily life. Students will learn several mindfulness exercises including: Awareness of Breath, Mindfulness of Eating, Walking Meditation, and Open Awareness Meditation.
The class will consist of four 75 minute session on Tuesdays in January. The 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th, from 7:00 - 8:15. This course is open to any adult who would like to learn more about mindfulness and meditation. The class will be held if we reach a minimum of eight students.
The required text book is “Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness in Meditation in Everyday Life by Jon Kabat Zinn. The class fee is $140. This may be paid by check made out to the Waban Library Center. P.O. Box 6, Waban, MA 02468. It can also be paid online at www.wabanlibrarycenter.org via PayPal. Please note on the online payment that the amount is for the Mindfulness class.
Christina Hardway regularly teaches mindfulness workshops. She is also Associate Professor of Psychology at Merrimack College. If you have any questions about the class please contact Christina at: [email protected]. For questions about signing up please contact Alice Jacobs at: [email protected]