Online event
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Learn how to get started with programming and using Arduino hardware and software. Explore the practical applications of Arduino and build several different projects! This demonstration is most helpful for beginners with little programming experience. If you have more experience programming, please consider taking the Arduino 102 class offered next month. Stay tuned for a follow-up Arduino 201 class with more advanced topics.
Participants are encouraged to install Arduino IDE before the class (free): https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Reserve your free Arduino Kit by emailing the Hatch Coordinator Liz at [email protected]. Limit one kit per registrant. Kits include 1 Arduino, 1 breadboard, 1 switch, 10 resistors, 2 photo-resistors, 8 jumper wires, and LED diodes.
If you plan can't do a curbside pickup, the comprehensive parts list can be found here: http://www.thekramers.net/papers/arduino/arduino_class_prep.pdf
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)