GA Boston
125 Summer Street, 13th floor
Boston, MA 02110
Business, Innovation, Tech
Event website:
About This Info Session
Web Development is connecting users around the world through information, entertainment, and the economy.
Join us for this info session to see how you can become a developer yourself.
During this info session, you'll:
-Be able to ask a Web Development Immersive alum questions about their experience
-Have the opportunity to ask all of your most burning questions (i.e. “Which programming languages will I learn?,” “What can I expect to walk away with after completing this course?”)
-Meet GA team members and potential classmates
-Discover how Web Development Immersive can jumpstart your career as a developer
-Discover the perks of being a student at GA
-In this session, we will also be joined by a Web Development Immersive alum. Come hear about his story.