Cambridge Community Television
438 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02139
Art, Classes, Film
Event website:
Gain Studio Camera and Floor Director certification, as well as exposure to technical directing through actual experience planning and recording a studio show that will be shown on CCTV’s channels and website. A great first production experience, and a terrific way to meet other producers. This class certifies Members to produce in the studio.
3 session - Tuesdays - September 14, 21 & 28 - 6-8:30pm - with Kevin Wetmore
Register Today! contact [email protected]
Advance registration is required and is accepted on a first-come basis. Early registration is advised since courses may fill up or be canceled due to low enrollment. Members with sufficient voucher balance may register over the phone (617) 661-6900; all others must provide full payment at the time of registration. Schedules are subject to change.