Saturday, May 21, 2016 12:15p -

The Democracy Center
45 Mount Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

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Lectures & Conferences, Meetup, Party, Social Good

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Welcome. This is going to be a fun, warm and emotionally connecting event in which we plan on sharing about ourselves and working on feeling connected in a safe, heart warming way.

Hugging is therapeutic as a way of building human connection, warming our hearts, strengthening our health and reducing stress. This group is for anyone that wants to connect with others in a strictly platonic, safe, supportive environment. The goal it to give and receive joy and caring in a non sexual way. We all need human touch and for one reason or another may not be getting it in our personal lives. Let's come together and get back to who we were meant to be as humans; connected, supported, heart focused.

Come join us in creating a heart centered community focused on feeling, giving and sharing more love in the world. This event is accepting of all sexual orientations. We also accept peoples' personal limits.

People's consent is completely supported. saying "No" when you feel like it will be encouraged as both an exercise and a reality. There will also be support for feelings that come up about that. This will be a supportive environment for both participation and none participation for any of the exercises/activities in an event. My mission is to create a emotionally safe, heartwarming, spirit building experience for all.

Please get your tickets from EventBrite (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hug-therapy-event-tickets-25253104716). Check us out on meetup.com (http://www.meetup.com/Hug-Therapy-Cambridge-Boston-Meetup) and RSVP on there too so we know you are coming. We look forward to seeing you!

Disclaimer: I am a Life Coach but I am not a therapist, psychiatrist or psychologist. The "therapy" in group is emotional exercises/hugs. Everyone coming to the event can participate or not participate to the extent that they wish.

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05/21/2016 12:15:00 05/21/2016 14:00:00 America/New_York Hug Therapy Event- connect w hearts and hugs Welcome. This is going to be a fun, warm and emotionally connecting event in which we plan on sharing about ourselves and working on feeling connected in a safe, heart warming way. Hugging is th...

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