Tuesday, Sep 03, 2013 8:00p -

Hit Wicket Bar
1172 Cambridge St
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Alcohol, Nightlife

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Now that soccer's officially gone mainstream, hipsters who hate football and basketball because jocks picked on them in grade school need a new sport to adopt as their own.

Enter: cricket? Sure, why the hell not.

Hit Wicket, a cricket-themed restaurant and bar in Inman Square, debuts their weekly trivia night and unveils a new Octoberfest beer from Jack's Abby Brewing. Featuring giveaways from Jack's Abby including a tour of their brewery in Framingham, MA.

Check it out so you can say you liked cricket way before it was cool. Or if not, they show other sports too.

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09/03/2013 20:00:00 09/03/2013 23:00:00 America/New_York Hit Wicket Bar Trivia Night & Jack's Abby Octoberfest Launch Now that soccer's officially gone mainstream, hipsters who hate football and basketball because jocks picked on them in grade school need a new sport to adopt as their own. Enter: cricket? Sure...

Hit Wicket Bar, Cambridge, MA 02139 false MM/DD/YYYY

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