Monday, Dec 16, 2019 11:00a -
Saturday, Dec 21, 2019 9:00p

Psychiatry Abuse Exhibit
341-343 Centre St.
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130

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Free Eye-Opening Exhibit
This Week Only - Don't Miss It!!!
December 16-21
11AM - 9PM

1/6th of the US population, including over 9 million children, are currently being pushed onto dangerous, psychiatric drugs while electric shock and psychosurgery devices are on the increase.

Protect your friends, family and neighbors by visiting this amazing public awareness exhibit about the centuries of abuse in psychiatry and its fraudulent marketing campaigns. The exhibit has 185 feet of panels and several audio-video stations that are packed with rare footage and medical and legal expert interviews.

If you are a child, elderly, military, law enforcement, of low income, female and more, you are being targeted for profit by the mental health system. This free public awareness exhibit is here to help you. Don't miss it!

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12/16/2019 11:00:00 12/21/2019 21:00:00 America/New_York History of Psychiatric Abuse, A Need for Change Free Eye-Opening Exhibit This Week Only - Don't Miss It!!! December 16-21 11AM - 9PM 1/6th of the US population, including over 9 million children, are currently being pushed onto dangerous, ...

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