Alewife Cambridge, MA 02140, USA
Cambridge, MA 02140
Event website:
North Moat Mountain is on the 52 WAV list with an elevation of 3,196 ft. North Moat Mountain offers unobstructed views of the Presidential Mountains to the north, Sandwich Mountain range to the west and the Carter-Moriah range to the northeast. Various ledges around the summit will also offer incredible views. We’ll be taking the Moat Mountain Trail with a brief stop for Diana’s Bath along the way, a series of waterfalls along Lucy Brook that total 75 ft. and should be flowing especially with the snow melt. The hike towards Diana’s Bath is relatively flat, but will get gradually steeper afterwards as you get closer to the summit. The total distance of this hike will be 8 miles.
Total distance of hike: 8 miles
Elevation gain: 2,638 ft.
Difficulty: Moderate
GPS Maps: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/map/north-moat-mountain-cdf1035?u=i
What to bring:
1) Insulated boots
2) Non-cotton layers
3) 2 -3 liters of water insulated
4) Snack and food
5) Microspikes
6) Gaiters
7) A map of this hike - it's your responsibility
8) Extra pair of socks
9) Headlamps
If you have questions, feel free to comment below or use the Ridj-it chat and I will respond as soon as possible! Thank you for being a team player and looking forward to a great adventure!
1) Current Event Restrictions in Place:
Limit per event: Maximum of 10 attendees.
Carpool rider limit: Maximum of 2 riders per car (3 if including driver).
2) Additional User-related restrictions:
Social distancing: Must agree to practice social distancing (of six feet) where possible.
Masks: You must wear a mask that covers the mouth and nose for situations where you are unable to practice
social distancing, including carpool. You agree to bring a mask to all events and wear it in case such situations arise.
Sickness policy: You agree to not partake in any events if you were sick within the past 2 weeks, OR, if you were exposed to an individual who became sick within two weeks after event.
Monitoring program: You agree to participate in the Ridj-it monitoring program if you become sick after an event or we learn that you were exposed to another User who was sick in an event you attended.You assert that you have read through and agreed to the detail of the Ridj-it monitoring program, which can be found in covid19.ridj-it.com.
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm