Wellington Revere Beach Pkwy, Medford, MA 02155, USA
Wellington Revere Beach Pkwy
Medford, MA 02155
Event website:
Bag three 5000 footers in the Presidential range in a day - Mount Jefferson (5660 ft), Mount Adams (5774 ft) and Mount Madison (5367 ft)! We will take the Caps Ridge Trail, out and back, up to Mt. Jefferson. This is a steep trail, and requires a few scrambles over ledges, i.e. the caps, on the way up that have some exposure so it is not for the faint of heart. This 2.5 mile trail is the shortest route up to the summit of Jefferson and starts from the highest starting point in the whites at Jefferson's Notch. From there we will follow the ridge above treeline all the way to Mt. Adams using the Gulfside Trail. After enjoying the 360 views from up there we will go down to the Madison Spring hut via the Star lake trail. Here we will break for lunch (you can also buy WARM food from the hut, if open). After that we continue on the Gulfside trail to the summit of Mount Madison, which will complete our ascents for the day! After spending sometime at the top, soaking in the views we will double back down the way we came and stick to the Gulfside trail and the Cornice path to avoid climbing Jefferson a 2nd time, as well as avoid a portion of the caps ridge trail (All trails link provided below).
The hike is over a lot of ledges and continuously above treeline. So if we have rainy weather on the day of the hike or 24h leading upto it we will not do it at all. Instead if the day of the hike is clear we will do a loop hike up Adams and Madison by the Airline trail and down by the Valley way trail. (alternate link also posted)
Distance: 10 miles
Elevation gain: 5836 ft
Rating: Hard to Strenuous
Gear: (Required)
* Hiking/trail running shoes - absolutely no sneakers (you will be turned away at the Medford parking lot!)
* 3 liters of water (refill at Madison Spring hut)
* Snack and food
* Backpack to hold your stuff
* Non cotton layers
* Electrolytes
* Rain/Wind Gear
* Emergency supplies (first aid, knife, Ibuprofen, etc)
* Map of the hike (All trials link provided below)
* Sunscreen
* Hat
* Headlamps (recommended)
* Trekking poles (optional but recommended)
* Extra clothing in case you get wet (weather dependent)
All Trails maps:
Caps ridge trail up Jefferson, Adams and Madison: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/new-hampshire/mount-jefferson-adams-and-madison-trail
Alternate loop for Adams and Madison: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/map/map-1b36ea1--19
This is not a beginner hike so please don't make this your first trip up the white mountains. You must be in good shape and have confidence in finishing the loop. Recent hiking experience required so, for those who I havn't hiked with ever, please mention your prior 4000 footer experience in the comments section before signing up. If i have hiked with you before or your Ridj-it profile has a decent list of white mountain experience then feel free to sign up directly. You must have the supplies above or you will be turned away before leaving the carpool spot. You are responsible for having a map of this hike; this is not a guided hike. You are joining like-minded enthusiasts and are responsible for your own safety and preparedness. Beyond that lets make this a memorable trip, with sunny weather and a nice dinner post!
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)