Sullivan Square(Medford Street / The Neck, Boston, MA, USA)
Sullivan Square(Medford Street / The Neck, Boston, MA, USA)
Medford, MA 02155
Event website:
Please read the description of this hike. This hike is difficult with scrambling, large boulders, and a good amount of time exposed above treeline. Weather in September can be variable so be prepared for any kind of conditions. Comment below if you're interested in signing up for this hike and answer the following questions. If you already received confirmation from me on Meetup, see you've done a 4,000 footer or been on a hike with me, you don't have to answer these questions . If you don't answer the questions and sign up, I'll be contacting you to ensure you can do this hike safely.
1. Do you have any recent hiking experience with at least 2,500 ft. of elevation gain or planning to any before this hike? List them below
2. Do you have the required gear for this adventure (listed in the event description)?
Anyone working on their New England 67 and want to bag the northernmost 4,000 footer in the Northeast on the North side of Baxter State Park? Often overshadowed by Mount Katahdin, North Brother, South Brother, and Mount Coe loop is another incredible hike which also offers slides similar to some of the routes up Katahdin while offering 360 views on both summits. North Brother Mountains is considered 4,000 footers and part of the New England 67 in addition to the Northeast 111 lists. This hike, we will be bagging North, South Brother Mountains and Mount Coe, totaling 9.5 miles. The plan includes camping Friday through Sunday at Big Moose Campground which is near the south entrance of the park. On Saturday, we would hike the loop which is expected to take most of the day. Depending on the decision of the group, we can go canoeing or do an easier hike Sunday before leaving. Canoes, including paddles are available for free.
Reservations have already been made for the weekend. We'll be camping at Big Moose Campground along Millinocket Lake by the entrance of Baxter State Park
GPS Maps:
AllTrails: https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/maine/north-and-south-brother-trail
(We'll be taking the full loop instead the out-and-back mentioned on AllTrails. AllTrails doesn't have the full loop on their app. I'll create a map and post it in the coming days)
Gaia: https://www.gaiagps.com/hike/17631/south-brother-loop-via-marston-trail/
Total distance of hike: 9.7 miles
Elevation gain: 2,921 ft.
Difficulty: 6/10. Recommend doing this hike counter-clockwise. This is not too bad technical wise. First two miles are very gradual. After the first junction, the trail gets steeper but still not too bad up until just before the slide. There are a couple of very steep sections especially up the Mount Coe slide (which is a steep slab which may be sketchy when it's wet/icy) and some solid foot placement is required up the two Brother's. However, it is not technical. The descent is more gradual compared to the ascent if you do the loop counter-clockwise.
Click here to see the required camping/backpacking gear for this adventure. This spreadsheet can be downloaded. Some of the gear can be consolidated, which will be communicated as a group as the trip gets closer.
What to bring for hiking:
Waterproof hiking boots
Water-resistant or waterproof pants
Non-cotton layers
2-3 liters of water
Snacks and lunch. You will be burning a lot of energy!
Positive attitude
Flakers need not sign up:
Only sign up for this hike if you're interested. Cancelling last minute or not showing up on the day of the hike without a valid reason is unacceptable (both carpoolers and non-carpoolers). By doing that, you're preventing someone else who wanted to join the trip to be able to go and can also lead to the cancellation of the entire trip. If you flake frequently without a valid reason (eg. unforeseen conflict), it will impact your ability to join future trips organized by me. You'll be responsible for any campground fees if you do cancel within 2 weeks of this trip unless you find someone to replace your spot.
If you have questions, feel free to comment below or use the Ridj-it chat and I will respond as soon as possible!
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
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Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
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