Tuesday, Sep 17, 2019 3:15p -
Repeats weekly

Down Under School of Yoga
306 Walnut Street
Newton, MA 02460

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High School students build on their asana practice with an introduction to vinyasa flow (linking breath to movement) as well as arm balances and inversions. Pranayama (breath work), restorative poses and relaxation offer students a chance to recharge and fill their well; deepening their ability to self-soothe and regulate stress in challenging times. Students will leave each class feeling nourished by ample time for rest as well as thoughtful readings and discussions of yoga philosophy that allows teens to fold the teachings of yoga into their daily lives. Taught by Erin Gubert.

Cost: $210 • 14 weeks

Tuesdays w/ Erin
9/10–12/17 (not including 11/26)

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09/17/2019 15:15:00 09/17/2019 16:15:00 America/New_York High School Yoga Newton Series High School students build on their asana practice with an introduction to vinyasa flow (linking breath to movement) as well as arm balances and inversions. Pranayama (breath work), restorative pos...

Down Under School of Yoga, Newton, MA 02460 false MM/DD/YYYY

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