Friday, May 22, 2020 10:00p -
Saturday, May 23, 2020 2:00a
Repeats weekly

Online event
10 Brookline St
Cambridge, MA

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Music, Nightlife, Party, Virtual & Streaming

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"HEROES" falls to Earth for our weekly Twitch live stream with DJ Chris Ewen THIS Friday April 24 from 9pm-1am EST at https://www.twitch.tv/djchrisewen

80s NEW WAVE, POST PUNK, ELECTRO, & some Old School Goth + Industrial mixed live with DJ Chris Ewen, your Moderators Xtine Santackas & Mike Fulham and Terri (Teresa Niedzwiecki).

Xtine and Anna will also be presiding over the "HEROES" Zoom video meet-up during the live stream! Check back for the upcoming link and details!

It's Friday - let's stay indoors separately together, make ourselves some cocktails, and...LET'S DANCE!

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We're excited to keep the party happening by going live WEEKLY, every Friday from 9pm-1am EST at https://www.twitch.tv/djchrisewen

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05/22/2020 22:00:00 05/23/2020 02:00:00 America/New_York HEROES Twitch Live Stream "HEROES" falls to Earth for our weekly Twitch live stream with DJ Chris Ewen THIS Friday April 24 from 9pm-1am EST at https://www.twitch.tv/djchrisewen 80s NEW WAVE, POST PUNK, ELECTRO, & some ...

HEROES via Twitch, Cambridge, MA false MM/DD/YYYY

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