Thursday, Feb 24, 2022 6:45p -
Repeats weekly

Online event
Roslindale Branch of the Boston Public Library
Roslindale, MA 02131

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Sports & Active Life, Virtual & Streaming

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Are you looking for a yoga class that offers all the benefits of stretching and strengthening, WITHOUT fast transitions, getting up and down from the floor, or a whole bunch of poses on your hands? Look no further, here’s the class for you! In this class, you will stretch the body, alleviate tension, improve balance, and prevent injuries. Unlike traditional studio yoga classes, this class minimizes holds on the hands and wrists, and getting up and down from the floor. Great for students with sensitive joints, you will learn functional alignment and healthy breathing techniques that you can take with you off the mat.

To attend this virtual class, please register at the following link: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18057059&appointmentType=29850907.

This program is presented in partnership by the Roslindale Branch of the Boston Public Library and YogaHub, which brings meditation, yoga, and fitness to your doorsteps to spark health and vitality throughout your community. You may find more free yoga classes at www.yogahub.life/calendar.

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02/24/2022 18:45:00 02/24/2022 19:45:00 America/New_York Hatha Yoga for Active Adults Are you looking for a yoga class that offers all the benefits of stretching and strengthening, WITHOUT fast transitions, getting up and down from the floor, or a whole bunch of poses on your hands?...

Online, Roslindale, MA 02131 false MM/DD/YYYY

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