GrubStreet Center for Creative Writing
50 Liberty Drive, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02210
Art, Classes
Event website:
Free, 3 hour creative writing workshop on Saturday, November 19th!
Art is everywhere is out lives, not just in museums. It's in our photos, on our walls, on our t-shirts. It's at the intersection of of self-expression and connection with others. In this workshop we will practice writing down careful observations about a wide range of visual representations, from graffiti art to museum art. We will write about how it makes us feel and what it makes us think about. Our writing about what we see and how we feel will provide the basis for a poem responding to the art-what scholars call ekphrastic poetry. Our poems can take any form, from hashtags to couplets, and can contain any content, from an imagined backstory to a vivid emotional response. At the end of our day together we'll do a gallery walk and see how the writing of each participant is in conversation with the visual art they chose. For writers age 13 - 18 only. Register here!