A Performing Arts Academy
96 Swampscott Rd. #6
salem, MA 01970
< 21, Kid Friendly, Performing Arts
Event website:
Where: A Performing Arts Academy
96 Swampscott Rd. #6
Salem, MA 01970
How Much: (per student) 5 year olds (in 1 routine) $225 in advance / $250 audition day
(all other age students) $325.00 in advance/$350 audition day – Payable to The GSBC!
Participation fee is non-refundable and non-transferable!
Fee covers costume rental, class time and all rehearsal charges!
All participation fees also include a 2018 copy of the Nutcracker DVD, and a custom designed sweatshirt!
First Audition: First Audition, Saturday, September 15th
10:00-10:45AM Advanced students in High School on Pointe & Advanced Acro/Tumbling
10:45-11:30AM Students 13 years old ballet & pointe, Acro/Tumbling and intermediate high school ballet/pointe/tumbling
Second Audition: Second Audition, Saturday, September 22nd
10:00-10:45 10-12 year old ballet & acro/tumbling
10:45-11:30 7-9 year old ballet students
11:30-12:00 5 & 6 year old ballet students
We are very excited about our Non-Profit Ballet Company – the Greater Salem Ballet Company! This year is our 5th
Anniversary Production and we invite you to join us! Our mission as the GSBC is to give recreational dance students an opportunity to
perform locally in professional quality productions while learning in a warm, encouraging, and nurturing environment which is greatly
beneficial in the lives of children, teens and young adults!
Miss Seanna and Miss Susan each bring over 25 years of experience in producing an intricate winter production of this
magnitude, mainly the Nutcracker, but now with a fresh new start including new direction, choreography, props, sets and costumes
which is an enormous investment. Thank you for joining us on this dance journey!
All students auditioning must be a dance student enrolled in a studio participating in subjects auditioning for! Everyone will
be considered for roles within their appropriate age group as established by the artistic directors. Students will be chosen for routines
according to their age, size, ability and demonstrated commitment to dance. Students who are small for their age might be considered
for a role from a younger age group if costume size might be in question. All decisions are at the sole discretion of the Directors
and are final! Every role is important for the success of this production, from the very basic to the most advanced. Regardless of the
part, this is a great experience for all participants! Attendance for rehearsals is mandatory! If you do not think that you or your
child will be able to commit to, understand and accept these guidelines, this may not be the appropriate activity for you and your
family. Performances will be on December 1
st at Lynn City Hall with prior week production rehearsals.
All families must volunteer in some capacity and help promote ticket sales among family, friends and the community. We
will share letters and social media posts regularly and ask that everything be shared to help raise awareness for the production and the
non-profit ballet company. Jobs vary in degree of commitment by roles. All are asked to volunteer in one pre-production activity and
be available to assist the weekend of the production. Soloist’s and lead’s parents are automatically heads or of committees! We will
help find the best fit for each person or people heading a committee.
Questions or comments please Call: A Performing Arts Academy - Salem/Swampscott (978) 744-8277
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
The Great American Beer Hall
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
Night Shift Brewing (Everett Taproom)