Coolidge Yoga Brookline
1297 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA 02212
Sports & Active Life
Event website:
Going Deep: A Monthly Workshop with Maybelle Rowntree to Deepen Your Yoga Practice.
Saturdays (11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)
(Limited to 20 students)
This workshop will explore the blending of stretch (organic energy) and strength (muscular energy), in the process debunking the misunderstanding of extreme flexibility as a necessary ingredient in asana practice. We will examine the subtle energy of “paired actions” in all of our yoga shapes and how these actions in our limbs can enhance core strength and stability, which is one of the keys to longevity as a yoga practitioner. We will endeavor to understand yoga’s proper place in the context of each of our lives, knowing that God did not create us for yoga but, rather, He/She created yoga for us as one of the wonderful tools provided for our well-being. Each month new asanas will be investigated under this lens.
All workshops are non-refundable.
Upcoming classes:
Jan 11 11:00 am - 1:00 pm with Maybelle Rowntree
at Brookline
Feb 15 11:00 am - 1:00 pm with Maybelle Rowntree
at Brookline
Mar 14 11:00 am - 1:00 pm with Maybelle Rowntree
at Brookline
Apr 11 11:00 am - 1:00 pm with Maybelle Rowntree
at Brookline