The Lily Pad
1353 Cambridge St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Art, Music, Nightlife, Performing Arts
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"PARALLEL DIMENSIONS" - Album release show.
$20 Cover ($15 Students)
Start 8pm / Doors 7:45pm
Boston’s popular cross-cultural music project Meridian 71, led by the versatile Italian drummer and composer Giuseppe Paradiso, to release 3rd album Parallel Dimensions.
Giuseppe Paradiso - drum set, electronics and compositions
Mark Zaleski - alto & soprano sax, clarinet
Phil Sargent - electric guitar
Utar Artun - piano & keys
James Hazlewood-Dale - upright and electric bass
Meridian 71 is a cross-cultural music project created and led by Giuseppe Paradiso since 2012. The project name comes from Boston’s longitude: the 71st meridian that passes precisely through the eastern part of the city. Parallel Dimensions (Ubuntu Music, drops April 15 2022) the band’s third album, features original compositions by Giuseppe and performances by an eclectic and multicultural ensemble of well-established Boston-based musicians.
“Boston is the location where I met musicians from different parts of the globe. We are deeply connected and spoke the common language of music together”, reflects Paradiso. “It felt like I had known for a long time that at some point in my life I would have met musicians just like them, way before moving across the Atlantic in 2008. Meridian 71 became the creative laboratory and space to develop this music.”
Meridian 71 is more than a conceptual band; it’s a dynamic and ever-changing musical project with a revolving lineup and a driving vision to use music and sound to inspire, bridge cultures and create links within different traditions.
Blending music genres that range from jazz and improvised music to Mediterranean and West African styles, Parallel Dimensions features Giuseppe on drums, percussion, electronics & vocals; Mark Zaleski on alto & soprano sax/clarinet; Utar Artun on piano & keys; Phil Sargent on electric guitar; James Hazlewood-Dale on upright, electric and fretless bass; and Malick Ngom on West African sabar drums, percussion and vocals.
Parallel Dimensions will be released in digital and CD formats on April 15 2022 on the Ubuntu Music label, with distribution through The Orchard.
Read full Press Release: https://www.ubuntumanagementgroup.com/news/2021/11/15/ubuntu-music-signs-italian-drummer-giuseppe-paradiso-for-album-release
Website: www.giuseppe-paradiso.com
Parallel Dimensions (album preview): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGGmPcNZYnQ
The Lily Pad: https://www.lilypadinman.com/
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