Havurat Shalom Congregation
113 College Ave (Davis Sq)
Somerville, MA 02144
Lectures & Conferences, Music
Event website:
This workshop is a mindfulness class enhanced by music and sounds. Sound is an ancient healing medium – it has been utilized for well being around the globe for thousands of years to bring people from stressed states to relaxed, aware presence.
During the session, you will meditate with music and without. I will bring my piano and play for you special music that will promote slow breathing and Heart Rate Variability (HRV). HRV increases self-regulation and resilience. I will also lead a silent meditation and a short Body Scan with Tibetan Singing Bowls. The theme of this session is Pleasant Events. What makes an event pleasant, enjoyable?
You will learn
· What Heart Rate variability is.
· A technique to reduce stress with breath regulation
· Two short meditations you can use in your daily life to reduce stress
Questions? email me at [email protected]
I look forward to seeing you soon!
All the best,
CFM Qualified MBSR Teacher
Vibrational Sound Practitioner
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
--Viktor Frankl