Online event
Sports & Active Life, Virtual & Streaming
Event website:
Start the week off right with Flight Performance & Fitness!
Join us virtually on Monday, May 18th for some live Zoom workouts, designed to see some faces and help keep everyone accountable during the quarantine!
These Zoom workouts are available for current Flight members every single day, but Monday Zoom workouts are completely FREE for non-members, so invite your friends!!!
These exercises will require little to no equipment, so they're accessible to anyone! All you have to do is virtually show up ready to work!
There are two workout times to choose from, and Zoom links will be posted prior to the workouts.
Monday 1:00 - 2:00 pm Bodyweight: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87542948850?pwd=VTl5cjRNV3lSVFVEUy9tVjk4QXZvQT09
Monday 6:00 - 7:00 pm Limited Equipment: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81371925713?pwd=b01RRklxVDBibzNveGxvNk9pRWtodz09