Fountain Street Gallery
460C Harrison Ave
Boston, MA
Art, Good for Groups, Meetup, Party
Event website:
Our way to say THANK YOU to all the art makers, art lovers, patrons, reviewers, neighbors and friends- who have been a part of the fountain street story. We appreciate you!
Join us for music, refreshments and an optional Mystery Art Swap!
Anyone can participate! Here’s how:
1. Place an artwork—made by you or someone else—in a closed brown paper grocery bag. Suggested list value: up to $100.
2. Label the back of the artwork with the artist’s name, title, and medium. Pack the artwork carefully as bags may get bumped. Do not make any marks on the outside of the bag.
3. When you arrive at the party, we will take your bag and give you a ticket to claim another bag later in the evening.
4. When you leave the party, redeem your ticket by choosing a mystery bag to take with you.
Enjoy the surprise and enjoy the art!