Online event
Art, Classes, Virtual & Streaming
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Learn some basket-making basics and create a lovely Japanese-style basket with a bud vase that is a perfect gift for any occasion. Choose from a range of hand-dyed rattan weavers in vibrant colors. You will weave a square base that is secured with twined reed, turn up your weavers in a sweeping curve and finish with waxed linen knots to fasten the groups of weavers around a small vase. The provided materials kit includes hand-dyed rattan spokes in vibrant colors, a twining weaver, waxed linen, glass vase, and a weaving template. Finished size: 5” wide by 4” tall.
Required Supplies:
-12-18” ruler
-A basin or bucket of water
-Sharp scissors or pruning shears
-4 strong clips or clothespins