Gore Place
52 Gore Street
Waltham, MA 02453
Event website:
On Friday, June 14 at 7 p.m., Gore Place will present a Floral Design Demonstration by Trish Scozzafava and Jessica Pohl of A Natural Arrangement. Come see a floral demonstration by Jessica and Trish as they bring to life in flowers the esthetic of Gore Place’s past. These professionals will show you how to evoke the mood of your surroundings with their designs. Jessica and Trish are professional floral designers with over 20 years of experience in floral design for weddings, events and workshops focusing on “field to table” and using what’s in season. Tickets are $20 non-members, $5 Gore Place members. Ticket price Includes admission to Be Inspired: A Celebration of Floral Design at Gore Place. Buy advance tickets at goreplace.org.