First Church of Christ, Scientist
51 N Main St
Sharon, MA 02067
Lectures & Conferences, Outside, Social Good
Event website:
Lesley Pitts, practitioner of Christian Science healing and international speaker, will present her talk, “Finding trust in a changing world,” on Sunday, October 8, at 1 PM. This public talk will be held on the lawn of the local Christian Science church at 51 N. Main St, Sharon. In case of cold or inclement weather, the event will move indoors. Childcare will be available.
The talk will focus on universal healing precepts found in the Holy Bible, especially in Christ Jesus’ life and teachings, showing how they are available for anyone to understand and experience through the lens of Christian Science. The talk is free, open to the community, and sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sharon.
“God’s love, goodness, and intelligence never change and are always available,” says Pitts. “When we discover God’s love and care for us, we can confidently turn to this divine presence and find our lives transformed and healed–and our families, communities, and the whole world benefit, too.”
Sharing examples of healing from her own life and professional practice of Christian Science, Pitts will explain why Christian Science is both Christian and scientific, meaning that people can prove its effectiveness for themselves, as fully described in the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, written by the founder of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy.
Pitts will also touch on the life of Mary Baker Eddy, who came to understand, confirm, and teach what she felt was original Christian healing. Eddy herself said she was especially inspired by Jesus’ demand, “He that believes on me, the works that I do will he do also; and greater works than these will he do, because I go unto my Father” (found in the Gospel of John 14:12 in the Bible).
For over 150 years, people around the world have worked to follow Christ Jesus in this practice of Christianity and continue to do so today, experiencing healings of physical ills and personal difficulties.
Lesley Pitts has been a Christian Science practitioner for many years, helping people on a daily basis through this scientific approach to prayer. Originally from the UK, she travels from her home base now near Boston to speak to audiences around the world as a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.
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