American Legion Marsh Post #442
198 Greenough Blvd
Cambridge, MA 02138
Alcohol, Art, Date Idea, Food, Kid Friendly, Performing Arts, Social Good
Event website:
Have you been looking for a Radically Inclusive event with fun for the whole family? Need something more Immediate than the summer festival season? Seeking to learn more about what Burning Man values look like translated back to our local worlds?
You are cordially invited to Participate in a Field Day in May hosted by Black Rock East (BRE):
Join us early afternoon at JFK Park to bring Leave No Trace (LNT) culture to the shores of the Charles River - Costuming and Radical Self-Expression are highly encouraged, as spectacle is a wonderful way to draw attention to Civic Responsibility! The group will walk a leisurely mile to the American Legion Outpost, mooping (picking up trash) as we go.
At the venue you’ll be randomly sorted into 4 teams with the opportunity to play a variety of games. Some will call on your Radical Self-Reliance to win and others will encourage Communal Effort.
There will be both individual prizes and a raffle of the winning team members for a container share!
The Burner Field Day event is rain or shine, but the Charles River LNT will have a rain date if needed.
May 28, 2017 (1pm - 8pm)
- FREE for children under 15, for those who bring canned goods for donation to a local food bank, or who come pre-event to help the LNT effort (see more below)
- all others $10
- fun and prizes!
- 21+ to drink, all ages to play.
In the spirit of Decommodification, Black Rock East will waive the door fee and instead ask participants to either Gift their time by joining the pre-event LNT sweep or contribute canned goods for a local food bank at the door.
But wait, you say, ‘Who is Black Rock East?’ We are the folks who manage Boston Decompression and one of the Boston-to-Burning Man container programs. This event is the first of a series intended to engage our community in civic activities to help beautify and sustain our local world.
The 10 Principles of Burning Man:
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm