Thursday, Sep 07, 2017 7:00p -

Old South Meeting House
2 Milk Street
Boston, Ma 02108

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Join us for a special lecture by Lama Ole Nydahl as part of the Old South Meeting House Partners in Public Dialogue Program. This will be Lama Ole's first lecture in Boston in his 40+ years of traveling the world teaching Buddhism and starting more than 650 Buddhist centers with his late wife Hannah Nydahl. Lama Ole will share his deep understanding of practical ways to access the timeless wisdom of Buddhist teachings in the context of our modern lives.
For more information about Lama Ole, please visit: http://www.lama-ole-nydahl.org/lama-ole/
For more information about the Partners in Public Dialogue Program, please visit: http://www.osmh.org/rent/partners-public-dialogue

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09/07/2017 19:00:00 09/07/2017 22:00:00 America/New_York Fearless Compassion: Buddhism in the Modern World Join us for a special lecture by Lama Ole Nydahl as part of the Old South Meeting House Partners in Public Dialogue Program. This will be Lama Ole's first lecture in Boston in his 40+ years of trav...

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