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CAMBRIDGE FORUM presents a live Zoom event this Friday, June 26 at 3 pm.
"FARMING FOR THE FUTURE: Smart and sustainable ways of growing our food". This week we welcome three uniquely different individuals who are all equally passionate about farming. Addy Shreffler is a young but savvy farmer, who was an executive chef for several years before migrating into farming. She is committed to spreading her farming knowledge so that people can learn how to grow their own food and eat seasonally. Also through teaching canning and preserving skills, Addy wants to aid consumers to self-sufficiency. Michael Chuisano is the owner of the Naked Farm in Marion, New York. Several years ago, he morphed from a Brooklyn businessman into a successful bio-intensive farmer, raising micro-greens for local and restaurant consumption. Ronnie Cummings is an organic farming guru and member of the Regeneration International movement. He is director of the Organic Consumers Association and runs a farming school in Mexico where he teaches bio-dynamics; Ronnie is also author of "GRASSROOTS RISING".
PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCUSSION: Friday, June 26 2020 at 03:00 PM (EST)
FARMING FOR THE FUTURE: Smart and Sustainable ways of growing our Food " Register in advance for this webinar:
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Monday, May 05, 2025 goes until 05/18
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