Saturday, May 13, 2017 10:30a -

ifarm LLC
55 Towne Road
Boxford, MA 01921

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< 21, Kid Friendly, Lectures & Conferences, Performing Arts

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Everyone loves owls! Yet, how many of us have ever seen a live owl up close?

Perhaps you’ve glimpsed the shadowy form of a Great Horned Owl in the headlights as you’ve traveled a back road at night. Ever scanned a frozen salt marsh or farmer’s meadow in winter, hoping to find that Arctic hunter, the Snowy Owl? How about a mob of noisy crows circling a white pine tree – have they found an owl?

Join naturalist Marcia Wilson and photographer Mark Wilson in sharing their passion for owls! “Who’s Watching You? Owls of the World” will introduce you to the owls of New England and beyond. Some owls such as Great Horned, Barred and Eastern Screech Owls are more common than you may think. Boreal owls and Great Gray owls are a rare find here, yet are found on other continents, too. Others like Snowy Owls, Eurasian eagle owls and familiar Barn Owls feature in popular movies and nature programs. Mark and Marcia will share the field marks, signs and naturalist’s skills that you can use to find wild owls without disturbing them, while introducing you to six live owls up close. Everyone is treated to a hooting lesson, as well as tips on how to attract and protect owls near you.

These secretive birds are specially adapted for living in diverse environments, from marshes to tundra and from rainforest to grasslands. You’ll find owls on all the continents except Antarctica.

Most owls thrive on eating small rodents like mice and voles. Some owls take insects, ducks, snakes, fish, frogs or bats. One owl even relishes a meal of skunk!

Explore the world of owls with two talented naturalists and six lively owls, whose pursuits both near and far make this interactive program fun and educational!

Location: ifarm LLC, 55 Towne Road, Boxford MA 01921
Date and Time: May 13th, 2017 | 10:30am and 1:00pm
Cost: $10
Tickets: http://ifarmboxford.com/event/eyes-owls-may-13/
Contact: Claire Hopkins, [email protected]

Photo © Mark Wilson

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05/13/2017 10:30:00 05/13/2017 14:00:00 America/New_York Eyes on Owls Everyone loves owls! Yet, how many of us have ever seen a live owl up close? Perhaps you’ve glimpsed the shadowy form of a Great Horned Owl in the headlights as you’ve traveled a back road at n...

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