Sunday, Mar 10, 2019 10:30a -
Repeats weekly

The Dance Complex
536 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Performing Arts

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Sundays January 20th to June 23rd from 10:30- 11:30am
No Class March 3rd
Explore the passion of flamenco in your body and connect with your inner Duende!
Improve your posture, gain confidence in yourself and listen to your inner music. This class is for all levels (including absolute beginners to advance students) to help students connect with their bodies and develop self- esteemed to find their unique way to express themselves. This class is full of joy and one of the key classes necessary to freely dance from YOU, for YOU and to YOU.
This class is perfect for anyone looking for opportunities to express themselves through flamenco dance. This is our favorite class because it will give you the inner strength you need to gain self-confidence to enjoy dancing flamenco!
$20 Drop In

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03/10/2019 10:30:00 03/10/2019 11:30:00 America/New_York Expressive Flamenco with Laura Sanchez Sundays January 20th to June 23rd from 10:30- 11:30am No Class March 3rd Explore the passion of flamenco in your body and connect with your inner Duende! Improve your posture, gain confidence i...

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