Thursday, Sep 19, 2019 6:00p -
Repeats weekly

Pinkcomma Gallery
46 Waltham Street
Boston, MA 02118

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Join us on Thursday, September 19th at Pinkcomma Gallery in Boston's SOWA Art District as we celebrate the opening of "POPPY RED" by architectural designer, educator, and practitioner Viola Ago.

About the Artist:
Viola Ago directs MIRACLES Architecture. She is currently the Wortham Fellow at Rice University School of Architecture and was most recently serving as the Yessios Visiting Professor at the Knowlton School of Architecture, OSU. She has taught at Harvard’s GSD, RISD, SCI-Arc, and Taubman College where she was the 2016-2017 William Muschenheim Design Fellow. Viola’s work has been exhibited in Los Angeles, Ghent NY, San Francisco, Columbus IN, Columbus OH, Ann Arbor, and Cincinnati. Her written work has been published in Log, Wiley’s AD, Routledge, Acadia, TxA, JAE, etc.

Poppy Red employs a serial working methodology exhibited in drawings, experimental models, animation, and one large sculptural work. The series interrogates the medium of architectural drawing and modeling; compositions of line clusters and volumetric transformations.

Borrowing processes from graphic and industrial design (slick, high-finish, commercial processes like hydro-dipping films, flatbed printing, and vinyl applications), the line drawing component of Poppy Red takes on a graphic role which sometimes aligns with the formal transformations of the volumes in a coherent way, but at other moments challenges the sculptural qualities of those forms in favor of graphic figures.

At a time when the conventional architectural drawing stands on contested grounds, this form-graphic interplay attempts to forge new relationships between the aesthetic language of line drawings and three dimensional volumes. This new relationship exists in the very short and sudden moment when the drawing-as-graphic blankets its formal host.

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09/19/2019 18:00:00 09/19/2019 20:30:00 America/New_York Exhibition Opening: Viola Ago, POPPY RED Join us on Thursday, September 19th at Pinkcomma Gallery in Boston's SOWA Art District as we celebrate the opening of "POPPY RED" by architectural designer, educator, and practitioner Viola Ago. ...

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