Thursday, Apr 05, 2018 7:00p -

Trinity Church of Topsfield
124 River Road
Topsfield, MA

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Lectures & Conferences

From the slopes of Little Round Top to the Bloody Angle at Cemetery Ridge,
men from Essex County, Massachusetts, were involved in virtually every facet of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Christopher Gwinn, Chief of Interpretation and Education at Gettysburg National Military Park, and an Essex County native, will explore the experiences of these men and how the events of the summer of 1863 reverberated through the North Shore.

Dr. Matthew C. Moen, President of the Gettysburg Foundation,
will deliver a few appropriate remarks on the lessons we can learn about democracy and citizenship from the sacrifices made during the Battle of Gettysburg.

The event is free and hosted by Boxford resident Eric Schultz, Chairman of the Gettysburg Foundation.
Light refreshments will be served.

Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 7 P.M.

Trinity Church of Topsfield, 124 River Road, Topsfield, MA
(Take Exit 51 off Route 95, first right after Masconomet High School on River Road)

For more info or to RSVP, please contact Brian Klinzing
at 717.357.6800 or [email protected]

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04/05/2018 19:00:00 04/05/2018 20:30:00 America/New_York ESSEX COUNTY AT GETTYSBURG: MASSACHUSETTS AND THE HIGH WATER MARK OF THE CONFEDERACY From the slopes of Little Round Top to the Bloody Angle at Cemetery Ridge, men from Essex County, Massachusetts, were involved in virtually every facet of the Battle of Gettysburg. Christophe...

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