Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022 12:00p -
Repeats weekly

Boston Public Library Central Library
700 Boylston St
Boston, MA 02116

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Reflect with Bach is where you can find a musician from Emmanuel Music offering selections by Bach and the composers he inspired in a place you might not expect within the Boston Public Library. Rather than a performance, think of this as an informal space for you to pause, reflect, and escape from the demands of the day. You are welcome to listen for as long as you like. Registration is not required for this particular program.

About Emmanuel Music:

Through its performing, teaching, mentoring, and scholarly activities, Emmanuel Music occupies a unique niche: a living laboratory for the music of J. S. Bach. Emmanuel Music finds new and creative ways for audiences and musicians to engage with the artistic, spiritual, and humanistic aspects of the music of J. S. Bach, the cornerstone of our musical output for our first fifty years.

If you enjoy this experience, you can find more opportunities for respite with Musical Sanctuary, Thursdays 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Emmanuel Church at 15 Newbury Street. Visit www.emmanuelmusic.org for details.

About the BPL's COVID-19 health and safety protocols:

All programs are first-come, first-served until reduced capacity limits are reached.
Once capacity is reached, no one else will be admitted to the program.
All program attendees must wear masks covering the nose and mouth.
Program performer will remove their mask during the program.

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02/22/2022 12:00:00 02/22/2022 14:00:00 America/New_York Emmanuel Music: Reflect with Bach Reflect with Bach is where you can find a musician from Emmanuel Music offering selections by Bach and the composers he inspired in a place you might not expect within the Boston Public Library. Ra...

Boston Public Library Central Library, Boston, MA 02116 false MM/DD/YYYY

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