Thursday, Oct 12, 2017 10:00a -
Repeats weekly

Roots and Wings
317 N Main St
Natick, MA 01760

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Our body is an integrated system offering optimal living not just survival” Suzanne Scurlock Durana
Do you know what it means to be fully present in your body and connected to your sense of aliveness where joy and possibility lives? Are you curious to find out?
Then join me for Embody Embrace Express a 5 weeks JourneyDance Embodiment experience. We’ll take a dive deep into sacred embodiment, embrace our truth and authentically express the joy that we are. This practice provides a catalytic container to let go and transmute negative emotions, beliefs, thoughts patterns and to connect and express your true essence. We will explore where these limitations drain and stagnate our energy. Through breath, movement and sound you will open the channels for Divine goodness to flow to you and through you. Be prepared to “breath, sweat shake and let it go”. You don’t need to be a “dancer” you only need to move the way YOU move. We will move with intention, we will dance carefree, and we will dance with fierceness and love.

Investment- $100 for the 5 weeks and $25 drop in


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10/12/2017 10:00:00 10/12/2017 11:15:00 America/New_York Embody Embrace Express Our body is an integrated system offering optimal living not just survival” Suzanne Scurlock Durana Do you know what it means to be fully present in your body and connected to your sense of aliven...

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